HeCares Health Seminars




One Day

Learn how to better care for yourself: how to live a balanced lifestyle according to Traditional Chinese wisdom, and how to prevent illness and minimize injuries. At our health seminars, HeCares practitioners share their experience and expertise in healthcare on various topics.

The HeCares Foundation hosted its first seminar on the prevention of sports injuries, presented by founder Frank He, L.Ac, QME, DAOM, a long-time athlete and specialist in integrative sports medicine.

For future health seminars, please check our events page. If you have any suggestions or requests for topics, you can send these to team@hecares.net. And for additional health tips, you can alos follow the HeCares clinic blog.

HeCares Foundation

The HeCares Foundation works to build an educational institution that will provide didactic and clinical training to acupuncturists, physicians, and other allied healthcare practitioners to promote communication and understanding between health care providers of various specialties to improve patient care.

© 2021 HeCares Foundation, Inc., All Rights Reserved.