Meet our team
Our multidisciplinary group of healthcare providers who collaborate to deliver comprehensive care to patients. Each member contributes specialized knowledge and skills to address various aspects of health and wellness.
Frank He, L.Ac., DAOM
Founder, CEO, Professor
Eva Cong, L.Ac., DAOM
Medical Director
Jonathan He
Billing Specialist
Viviana Puebla-Santoyo
Clinic Manager, TCM Student
Mylinh Tran, L.Ac.
Energy Medicine
NAET Allergy Elimination
Stephen Ling, L.Ac.
Winnie Tan
Tuina Massage
Julie Altschuler, PT
Physical Therapist
Interns, Externs, Residents and Fellows
Ray Tian, L.Ac.
Gloria Tan
Yoga Instructor
Viviana Puebla-Santoyo
CPR/First Aid/AED Instructor
Ray Tian,L.Ac.
Certified Personal Trainer