Muscle Channel Technique Certification (MCT) / Subcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Technique (SENS)
For any healthcare practitioner, pain is one of the most commonly encountered patient complaints. And, of the many benefits conferred by acupuncture, pain relief is the most widely recognized.
If you are a licensed acupuncturist who would like another tool to treat pain, this weekend certification and continuing education course is for you. Learn the proprietary Muscle Channel Technique and Subcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation technique (MCT / SENS) from the proprietor himself, Frank He, L.Ac, QME, DAOM.
As a specialist in sports medicine, Frank He credits much of his clinical success in pain management to MCT / SENS. The technique utilizes subcutaneous insertion of needles along affected muscle channels in combination with electrical stimulation and needle retention to provide stronger and longer pain relief, as well as faster injury healing.
Frank has taught his MCT / SENS approach to orthopedic surgeons throughout Europe, and since coming to the U.S.A he has certified acupuncturists and other healthcare professionals.
“In order to succeed in these days of increased time pressure and heightened expectations of efficiency, an acupuncture style must be easy to learn, easy to scale, not labor intensive, non-painful to the patient, versatile, effective, and with long lasting benefits. Muscle Channel Technique (MCT) is one such technique that fits these criteria well.”Howard Chen, M.D., the first physician certified in MCT in the U.S.
Those certified in MCT / SENS will be able to officially practice MCT and market their use of the trademarked technique. The certification course also counts towards CEU requirements.
Email to request the course.